Sanita - IMS Policy

IMS Policy

IMS Policy

IMS "Integrated Management System"


● The satisfaction of our customers in all respects by supplying high-quality products, complying to the relevant standards, always on time.
● Fulfill our commitment through total involvement of all at Sanita Egypt and with continual improvement in our integrated management system.
● Identify, prevent, control and minimize adverse environmental impacts associated with our operational activities.
● Comply with all quality, environmental, Health & Safety and food safety requirements.
● Develop and maintain a highly motivated and trained workforce for effective management of the quality, environment, Health & Safety and Food Safety issues.
● Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, employees and other interested parties.
● Strive to continually improve our quality, environmental and Health & Safety performance keeping in view the regulatory requirements, Health & Safety requirements, environmental requirements, community concerns, and technological advancements.
● Establish & maintain a healthy work environment.
● Comply with applicable legal requirements.
● Adopt the best practice of operations to prevent ill health & injuries.


General Manager

Pierre Tanios

Issue date: 1/4/2021